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Ercan Airport to Istanbul
Search for the best flight prices to and from Istanbul to North Cyprus. Compare prices, book today and save money with Ercan Airport.

Ercan Airport Flights to and from Istanbul
If you want to come to Ercan Airport from Istanbul there is several flight companies coming over to Cyprus. Like: Pegasus Airlines, THY, and AtlasGlobal.
And one more thing If you are coming abroad most of the flights landing to istanbul for some moment and than take off to Cyprus Ercan Airport again.
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About Istanbul
It’s often said that Istanbul is one of the world’s great cultural crossroads. Simultaneously beautiful, challenging and crazy, it’s the only metropolis in the world that straddles two continents, and cultural differences and similarities are everywhere to be seen. As a 24-year veteran of the World Heritage List, there’s more to see and do than you could possibly fit in to a weekend. Come, and you’ll plan to come back